All about : Markdown
The markdown feature in VS code is very interesting and useful to describe our work in sophisticated manner.
Working with Markdown files in Visual Studio Code is simple, straightforward, and fun.
Let see one by one basic features of MD (MD = MarkDown)
Make file in your VS code. Then just use it.....Simple..!!
See some feature to design what we write in MD.
<!-- Heading -->
# Heading
## Heading
### Heading
#### Heading
<!-- Bold -->
<!-- Italic -->
<!-- Paragraph -->
There is not any tag to write any paragraph. Just type and paragraph created.
<!-- Strike Through -->
~~999~~ 888
<!-- Design for highlight output -->
> Here is the output
<!-- To highlight main figure in sentence -->
`CSS` is use for designing Web Page
Now see the output...
Lets understand one by one.
Just simply adding #
before any word and your word will become heading.
If you want different sizes of heading, just add multiples of #
thats it.
To bold any word we have to add **
or __
before and after the word.
To italic any word we have to add *
or _
before and after the word.
To write any paragraph, there is no need to add any tags. Just write the sentence and paragraph created.
Strike Through
Add before and after ~~
and see the strike through of word.
Highlight or mention any output, heading.. depend on need
Put >
before the word and see difference.
Highlight any specific word in sentence
To highlight any specific word in sentence just put that word in `` this and word get highlighted.
Now lets see how snippets box is created.
From above example we have to add ``` before and after the code and your snippets box created.
if we add python or javascript after ``` , then code tags get colored as show in above image.
Now see how to add links and image in MD.
Add link in MD
First write link name in square bracket and then paste link in round bracket. Also after link write a word in " "
to see on hover. When you click on the link, you will see the link will open that you have pasted.
Add assets in MD
The process is same as that of link. Only difference is to add !
this before square brackets and instead of link just put artifact of image. Thats it.
Now learn to add list
When you add number before the list items then it will become Ordered list and _
underscore before the list items then it will become Un-Ordered list
So this are the simple methods to write in MD file.
Hope you guys understood the concepts.
Thank you...!